사진 PHOTO 35㎜ x 45㎜ |
1. 성 Surname 漢字姓名
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2. 명 Given Names
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3. 생년월일 Date of Birth 년(Y) 월(M) 일(D) |
4. 성별 Sex □ M □ F |
5. 국적 Nationality
6. 출생지 Place of Birth
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8. 종류 Classification 외교. 관용. 일반. 기타 DP OF OR |
9. 발급일 Date of Issue
10. 만료일 Expiry Date
11. 발급지 Place of Issue
12. 발급기관 Issuing Authority
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7. 여권번호 Passport Number
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13. 혼인여부 Marital Status □ 기혼 Married □ 미혼 Single |
14. 배우자성명 Spouse's Name
15. 배우자국적 Spouse's Nationality
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16. 직업 Occupation(Applicant)
17. 직장명 및 주소 Name and Address of Present Employer
18. 직장전화번호 Business Phone No.
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19. 입국목적 Purpose of Entry(explain fully)
20. 입국예정일 Probable Date of Entry
21. 체류예정기간 Desired Length of Stay
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22. 현주소 Home Address 전화번호 Phone No.
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23. 국내 체류지 Address in Korea 전화번호 Phone No.
24. 방한사실 Previous Visit (If Any)
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25. 과거 사증발급 여부 Have You Ever Been Issued a Korean Visa? □ Yes □ No 언제 When? 어디서 Where? 사증종류 What Type of Visa
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26. 과거 사증발급 불허여부 Have You Ever Been Refused a Korean Visa? □ Yes □ No 언제 When? 어디서 Where? 사증종류 What Type of Visa
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27. 여행비용지불자 Who Will Pay For Your Trip?
28. 과거 사증취소여부 Has Your Korean Visa Ever Been Cancelled or Revoked? □ Yes □ No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
29. 최근 5년간 여행국가 Countries Where You Have Lived or Travelled During The Past 5 Years
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30. 국내 보증인 연락처 Guarantor or Reference in Korea |
성명 Name |
주소 Address |
전화번호 Phone No. |
관계 Relationship | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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31. 동반가족 Accompanying Family |
국적 Nationality |
성명 Name |
성별 Sex |
생년월일 Date of Birth | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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I declare that the statements made in this application are true and correct to the best for my knowledge and belief, that I will observe the provisions of the Immigration Law of the Republic of Korea and that I will not engage in any activities irrelevant to the purpose of entry stated herein. Besides, I am fully aware that any false or misleading statement may result in the refusal of a visa, and that possession of a visa does not entitle the bearer to enter the Republic of Korea upon arrival at the port of entry if he/she is found inadmissible. |
인지 (Stamp) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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공 용 란 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
사 증 종 류 |
복수 ․ 단수 |
접 수 일 시 |
결 재 |
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체 류 자 격 |
담 당 자 |
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체 류 기 간 |
전산처리번호 |
영사확인 번 호 |
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